A downloadable game

A game made by Dietrich Epp (Discord: @realvanadium) for Retro Platform Jam #7. Submitted August 25, 2024. This game runs on old Macintosh computers (pre-Mac OS X). It probably needs at least a 68030 to run. The download is a disk image which you should be able to mount in Mini vMac or Basilisk II. It has been tested only on Basilisk II with System 7.5.5.

This is just a cool prototype, right? There’s not actually a real game here. You can walk around, you can get hurt by monsters, and you can even die. What was this supposed to be? You were supposed to navigate the Enchantress’s realm, looking for your friends. Your friends would then fight monsters for you. Maybe a future version!


Programming, Artwork, Sound: Dietrich Epp 

Additional Assets

Usage of AI

The title screen was created with imagery generated by the Deliberate v2.0 (8-bit) model.

Prompt: throne room, fairy tale, enchantress sitting on throne, maxfield parrish, wide angle, creepy


Enchantress-v0.1.img 401 kB

Install instructions

Download the disk image and then load it into an emulator or onto a real Macintosh computer.

  • Basilisk II: Mount the image as a disk directly in your Basilisk II config file OR copy the file into the emulator and then open it using Disk Utility.
  • Mini vMac: Drag the disk image into Mini vMac.
  • Real Hardware: Open the disk using Disk Utility.

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